
My Qualifications

My Qualifications
I have said this elsewhere, in fact several elsewheres; however I believe it merits repeating.

Everything on this website is strictly my own opinion, unless I quote someone; and even then, unless I say otherwise, that opinion expressed has likely become or supports my own.

I'm sure you already assumed this.

There are some opinions I express ( maybe even most) that are meaningless either because the subject discussed is of no consequence, or because I flat-out do not know what I am talking about (Politics is an excellent example.)

However, regarding the Bible and Christian doctrine, I make exception. And I do so for several reasons. First, I spend a great deal of time studying the Bible and commentaries. Second, I have my own experiences upon which I base my opinions, and third, I consider the subject to be of utmost importance.

To say that I disagree with most of the commentaries and doctrines floating around is a vast understatement, which anyone having read but a few pages on this site can readily attest. And those opinions I contest are often strongly supported by hundreds of years of tradition and study, and by many of the most scholarly and respected people in the world.

So who am I to I think I know more than they? Who do I think I am to confront such an array of experts?

My qualifications? I don't have a High School diploma to flaunt. I have no Bible School to pin a label to. I'm not a preacher, or an Elder, not even an usher of a church. I have never been a Missionary, nor have I, as far as I know, ever led anyone to Christ.

In fact I have only two qualifications that I can present.

The first, I feel I have been given a call to write and present this website for the whosoever will that may be led to it, even if that happens to be but one person who feels they have been helped by it.

And second, I feel a great need to deflect as many souls as I can from the broad road to destruction, onto the straight and narrow road to joy and salvation.

So if I come on strong, which I do, it is because I am reacting like someone who sees a person standing in front of a Mac truck that is heading toward them; I yell as I run at them and knock them out of the way.

Perhaps that person was directing the driver of the truck, or had some other good, safe reason to be where he was, but my feeling is that I would rather look like the fool and be condemned as reckless, rather than have to stand before God and have to explain why I just stood by and watched a truck run over someone.

As to my opinions and what I "preach;" do I think I'm right and so many are wrong?

Of course.

Do I think you should abandon the doctrines you hold to and follow those I tout, if mine disagree with yours?

Not a bit of it. But I do think you should investigate what I have to say (I provide plenty of Scriptures to look up), just as everyone should study the Bible and learn what it has to tell them.

And I fully believe that everyone should have the Holy Spirit as their Councilor and Instructor when they read this website, or any other such material, and especially when they read the Bible.

And if what I say isn't in the Bible, I think you should ignore what I have said.

I believe that when you stand before God, you (we) will have to stand on our own decisions, and not fall back on the teachings of others, no matter who that might be.

Incidently, I have pulled several articles from this website -- not because I have changed my mind concerning them, but because I felt they expressed too strong an attitude toward a particular group, or left room for my meaning to be misunderstood. I republish these as they are "cleaned up."



There is a popular compromise being set forth these days which allow a believer in Creation to also believe in evolution. This theory states that God used evolution to create Adam and Eve.

It's not my purpose here to debate the fallacy of how the text of Genesis has to be mangled to fit that theory.

No, the question I am presenting is the patience of God.

Of course, we know that God is Long Suffering. He will put up with a lot of foolishness on our part. He puts up with years of our rebellion and running off in tangents of His will.

He even put up with Israel's rebellious nature and turning from Him for over a thousand years! Before that he bided his time for over a thousand years before wiping out mankind with the flood.

And He has patiently waited two thousand years since Jesus to finalize His purpose.

That's all a very long time from our point of view. A lot of generations have come and gone. Generations that consisted of maybe 50 to 70 years on the average.

And in those short years we are expected to learn all we are expected to learn, and to become all God intended us to be.

Nothing new, I haven't said anything to this point that everyone already knows, and most likely agrees with.

One thing that some, maybe even many will disagree with is the time frame between the creation of Genesis and the flood.

So, let's stretch that out. Lets allow 10,000 years. No, let's make that 100,000 years. Would that satisfy everybody?

God is patient. He must be to justify the claims of the Creativolutionists (my word for it. I suppose there is a name for it, but I don't know it). Here he takes thousands of years to deal with Man for which all Creation was designed for, gives Man just a few years to accomplish His goals -- yet He takes Billions of years to create just the beginnings of man. Billions of years while planets explode, tiny bugs mutate into bigger bugs, and on and on.

God is patient. He's long-suffering.

But come on!

Monkey Business

Monkey Business

Ancient Man looked up at the sky, and the world around him, and tried to make sense of it

Modern Man looks about him, and tries to make nonsense of it.

The thought that brought this to mind is the Final Judgement.

As I researched the subjects for this site, one thing that struck me is how just about every religion, faith and philosopher seem to agree on a topic. The only real difference was the way in which their opinion was expressed, and often the name applied to the topic, and God.

Except for Buddhism and Jainism, just about all agree that there is a Creator, and a Creation. And when it comes to eternity and a Judgement according to how we live our life, even those two agree that such exists.

How Man was created, what will be his destiny, and how many lives he has to accomplish his destiny seems to be a matter of controversy. But the fact of that destiny, and that there will be a judgment, there seems to be agreement.

So, regardless of which Faith you belong, you will be taught to do right by your fellow man, to strive to please God in one form or another, to avoid selfishness, and to look to the next life instead of being overly concerned with the here and now.

At the very least, this belief creates a better world, and a better class of people on it.

Even if it turns out that God doesn't exist, that there is no afterlife; that we just sprung from bugs and return to dust -- the world will have been better off because of the deception. And people in general will have been happier and more content than had they believed that life is nothing more than a miserable existence of pain and misery. Just a hideous joke of the gods.

If Mankind evolved from nothing, and returns to nothing; and he is just a little more advanced form of animals -- why bother with any form of civilization? Why prisons and laws and reforms? Why governments to control the lives of these mounds of walking clay?

Can laws be passed to prevent a lion from killing a deer? Or a coyote a rabbit? If we are nothing more than those animals, then we are nothing better.

Survival of the fittest, isn't that the law of nature? So, for the betterment and the survival of mankind, shouldn't the biggest, the meanest, the most selfish be left to feed off the weaker as it is in the rest of nature?

Why does man make a lie and mockery of his belief? For selfishness, of course.

The weakest of man often rises to the top, and gains control. And the only way to keep that control over the strong is to have laws contrary to what he believes.

If the weak who is in control were to be the strongest, than he would change the rules and the belief system of the masses to afford him what he wants.

As evidence of this, take a look at the history of Rome, or France, or England, or China, et ad nauseam.

If life, in fact, is not as has been believed since man appeared on this earth, then I would be more inclined to believe that it is all an illusion, a child's nightmare. This would make far more sense to me than any of the prevalent theories that the "intelligentsia" puts forth.

Then, concerning Judgment, which is what brought about this page in the first place, I would prefer to err on the side of caution. If there is no God, no creation, nothing to give reason to living a decent life, then I have lost nothing as far as eternity is concerned.

But, if there is a judgment, if there is an eternal destiny, if there is a hell -- then I pity those who believed otherwise and led their life accordingly.

It would seem to me that the Creator will be more inclined to take exception to those who believed on Him, and failed miserably to live up to expectations, than He would on those who never even believed in Him in the first place, but led decent lives.

If You were God, the Judge, what would you think? How would you judge?

As for me, if I knew from the beginning of my life that I was nothing more than an intelligent form of cockroach, that it made no difference if I was the worst scoundrel that ever lived, or the finest example of manhood; I would choose to live a life of Belief, and doing what I considered right.

Not because I could gain materially, or socially, or any other such way; but because I have discovered that by doing so I get the best reward mankind can receive outside of Eternity. I get to feel good about myself. Which is something I doubt a cockroach can do.



11For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God. 12So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God. (Romans 14;11-12)

It's Harvest time; time for the Owner of the vineyard to reap the benefit of His fruitful vines, and bundle up the unfruitful branches for burning. [1]

Before beginning this study, let us first set the scene, for it is an awesome scenario that the greatest of film makers would envy; and one they will certainly be attending.

Imagine if you will a great golden Throne surrounded by multitudes of Angels, winged beasts, twenty-four elders, and thousands upon thousands of Overcomers (Saints) dressed in pure white robes; all giving praise and worship to He who sits upon the Throne. [2] [3]

To the right of the Throne grows a beautiful Garden for which mankind was originally intended to live in fellowship with their Maker. And far, far to the left of the Throne we see and smell a deep, dark pit -- the final destination of the deceiver of mankind, as well as those who have chosen to ignore or reject God's offer to return to He who created them. [5] [6]

Now add to this picture billions upon billions of people from every nation, and every generation since Adam and Eve, standing before the Throne waiting their turn to be judged by the King who sits upon the golden Throne. [4]

Got the picture? Take your time, that's a lot to stuff into anyone's mind, regardless of how brainy they imagine themself as being.

Now out of all those billions of people we will select just four as representatives, because all who now stand before the throne are already condemned, and everyone's reasoning will be almost the same with only slight variations. [7]

Ah, here is a likely prospect for our study, he is a quite elderly man I would say, exceptionally well dressed with fine, chiseled features, a set jaw, piercing eyes, and many gold rings upon his fingers. I would guess him to be a wealthy CEO or something of that sort. I will ask him for an interview.

"I beg your pardon, sir, but we are conducting a study of those who now stand before the Throne; and I would say, sir, that you could probably tell us more than just about anyone here, if you would be so kind."

"Normally I wouldn't bother with the likes of you, seeing as you have nothing by which I could possibly make any gain. But under the circumstances, I'll make an exception."

"I thank you, sir. First, I wonder if you will tell us your name, and what profession you are in."

"My name is Thomas. Doubting Thomas is what they call me, and for good reason. I doubt everything. I even doubt that this circus is actually occurring. In my set of beliefs such a thing is impossible, especially for one such as I. [8]

"As to my profession, I have many, and have tried just about all in my quest for the top, which I have attained. In my day I was the richest man in the world, and may very well still have been, had I not died prematurely." [11]

"I see, sir, and since you now stand before the Throne, I assume you will be going to trial before the Judge. May I ask, sir, what you expect the outcome to be?"

"Why, I will be exonerated, of course. I have done nothing wrong for which I should be tried. And if I should have committed some minor infraction along the way, I have a trump card. When I was young I was baptized by my parents, who, incidently, were very religious. Besides this, I have been to church a few times in my life, and have even gone up to the alter a time or two when my financial situation looked poor. It didn't do any good. God, if there is one, didn't give me what I wanted, so I don't believe in God." [9] [10] [12] [13] [14]

"That is very interesting, to be sure. Who, then, would you say is sitting on the golden Throne up ahead?"

"I have no idea, nor do I care. I only know that I don't believe in this nonsense, nor in God, so therefore none of this is happening." [8]

"Well, sir, that certainly is an interesting and novel viewpoint you have. And I thank you for the interview, and the best of luck to you at your trial." [15]

That was indeed an interesting person. I wonder how the Lord is going to respond to one who doesn't believe He exists. I fear for him, and surely would not like to be in his shoes, as expensive as they must be.

Ahead of me stands a young fellow, in his early twenties I would say, possibly with a minimal of college education, dressed in a rather bazaar outfit with a bright bandana on his head, a flowered vest, and a bright sash about his waist. He would appear to be a vagabond, however he is rather well-kept and exceptionally happy under the circumstances. Let us see what he has to say, shall we?

"I say, young man, I wonder if I might have a word with you. We are conducting a study of those who are appearing before the Throne, and I wonder if you would mind answering a few questions for us."

"Not at all, man. Always glad to help you old geezers in whatever way I can. Gotta' share the wealth, like the Good Book says, you know."

"Yes, I believe I do. First, may I ask you your name and what occupation you held, if any, during your life."

"No problemo. They call me Reckless Rick 'cause I'm always jumping from one thing to another. Like fer'instance that there question you hung on me about an occupation. I've done lots of them, but my main bag was being a teen leader for different churches, mostly those churches what you straight folks call cults. Really there ain't no such thing, cause they all go the same place, you know, like heaven an' all. And like, you know, the Old Man upstairs, He's real cool and all. Pure love an' all. He ain't going to send none of His people to hell. Know what I mean, man?" [16] [17] [18]

"I think I understand. But I do have a question. What do you suppose that huge pit with smoke rising from it is for?" [6]

"C'mon man, be cool. That's for the devil an' all. Like no lovin' God ain't going to send nobody there. That's just a fairy tale to scare folks into the churches so's they will fill their coffers. It's got nothin' to do with real folks like you 'n me." [6]

"Um, yes. Well, young man, I was going to ask you what the outcome of your trial would be, but under the circumstances...."

"No problemo, man. Like, I got it covered either way. Get this, old man, if I get throwed a curve ball, I got a bat to fit it. It's like I been workin' with the kids, like I told you, bringin' them in by the droves. He's got to give me plenty of His little gold stars for that bit of play, don't you think?" [19]

"But didn't you say it was cults you....."

"Oh, that. Don't go gettin' righteous on me. One church an' one religion is like another. Anybody with a brain rattlin' in his head knows that. It's just a big game all the churches play, tryin' to see who can cut down the other the most, an' who can get the most marbles by the end of the game. Take my word for it, I seen 'm all." [20] [21]

"Yes, I see. Well, Rick, I thank you for the enlightening interview, and I wish you luck when your time comes."

"Don't need no luck, just a head full a' smarts. You just wait an' see."

I must say, we have certainly been introduced to a variety of people. Let's see who else we can find.

There's a clean-cut, well dressed, middle-aged gentleman. By all appearances he should fare well before the Judge. He is even wearing a Sunday school pin and carrying a Bible in his hand. Let's ask him for an interview, shall we?

"How do you do, sir. We are conducting a study into the thoughts and feelings of those going before the Throne, and we were wondering if you would mind answering a few questions for us?"

"Not at all. I would be glad to help in any way that I can."

"Thank you, that would be most appreciated. First of all, may I ask your name, sir?"

"Certainly. My name is Joe. In fact, you may be interested to hear that folks refer to me as 'an all-around good Joe'." [22]

"That's very good, Joe. And I see you are standing here with all these people waiting to see the Judge. What are your feelings at this time, and what do you expect to be the outcome of your trial?"

"Well, it's not too clear at this point. From what I have heard, and all I have read, all who stand before the Throne are already condemned. But in my case, I know there has been some mistake, because I know for certain that I don't belong here. I expect to be called out at any moment and given the white robe I deserve." [23] [24] [3]

"I see, Joe, that you have your Bible with you. Do you expect that will influence the Judge?"

"I suspect it will, but that is not why I have it with me. You see, I am the Pastor of a church, and I have a Th.D. in Religious Studies specializing in church doctrine. I am also very strong in evangelizing, I speak in tongues and prophecy and have even healed the sick in the Name of the Lord. So you can see, I certainly do not belong down here with these reprobates." [25] [26] [27] [28]

"It would certainly seem that way, sir, and I do wish you all the best. Thank you very much for answering my questions, and I do believe I see a young lady we would all like to hear from."

That was informative, don't you think? It should be interesting to see what happens in Pastor Joe's case. It certainly would seem that there has been an error committed somewhere.

Our next interview will hopefully be with the anxious young lady in the full-length dress and bonnet. She appears to be searching for someone, but perhaps she will pause long enough to answer a few questions.

"Pardon me, young lady, we are conducting an interview, and I wonder if you would mind answering a few questions. We won't hold you for long."

"Normally I wouldn't mind, but at present I am in a hurry and trying to find someone."

"I understand, madam, but this is rather important, and you do have an Eternity in which to find whoever you are looking for."

"I suppose you're right. Very well, what is it you would like to ask me?"

"Well, first of all, madam, If I may ask you your name."

"My name? My name is Hanna. They call my 'Helpless Hanna' because I always need someone to guide me and tell me what I should do. That is who I was looking for when you stopped me. Maybe you can tell me what to do and what to say when it's my turn before the Throne?"

"I'm sorry, Hanna, but I'm afraid I can't. And if what I hear is correct, you will have to stand before the Throne without council. And that brings me to my next question, which is; how do you feel about your coming Judgement. And what do you expect the outcome to be?" [29]

"Oh, I'll do alright, I think. I did what my pastor said I should do, I went to church on Sunday, I paid my tithes and did a good deed every day. I'm a nice person, everybody says so. I'm sure that when He weighs my good deeds with my bad, He will tell me I did well, and let me go into His Garden." [30] [19]


"Ah oh, it's my turn! I don't want to go up there alone! Will you go with me? Please? Just hold my hand a little, I don't want to be alone?"

"I'm sorry, Hanna, but no one is allowed to go with you. I'm sorry."

It really tears at your heart, doesn't it? You want to help these poor souls, but it's too late now..... [31]

Hanna is getting ready before the Judge. Pray for her.


"Yes, Lord, I don't understand. I did a lot of good things! I did what my Pastor told me to do! What did I do wrong?"


"Yes, Lord. I accepted you like my Pastor said to do. I even signed a paper saying so. I even wear a cross around my neck, see?"


"Yes, Lord, like I just said. I even prayed the Sinner's Prayer and everything. Didn't you hear it?"


"Yes, Lord. My Pastor said that it means to think something is true. I knew it was true that You are God, and that You died for our sins. I believed that."




"But I did what my Pastor said. Honest I did!"


"Yes, Lord, here I am, kneeling at your feet, Sir. See? I even have my Bible with me that I read all the time. I am even a Pastor of your church, Sir. I think there has been some kind of mistake and....!"


"Sir? Why, You are God, Sir. You are the One who died for our sins. You died for my sins, everybody's sins, Lord. That's why I don't understand....."


"Why, Sir, I told them what You said; that You are the Good Shepherd, a Loving God who wants only the best for His sheep. I taught them that You wanted every one of Your sheep to go to heaven. I taught that....."


"Well, yes Sir, I did, sort of. I mean, I taught that they should love you like You love them. That they should be kind to one another, that they should go out into the world and bring others into our church, and....."


"Yes, Lord. And I taught them that. I told them to submit to the Elders, and to their Pastor, just like you said to do in your Bib....."


"Yes Sir! I sure do! And that I really preached hard. You would have been proud of me. Yes Sir. Why, I not only demanded that they obey all of Your laws, but I made up a bunch of my own, like ...."

"But, but, Lord, you don't understand. I.........."


"But, but.......!"


"Here I am, your Honor. But I must tell you before you begin that I don't think you realize what an important man I am, and......"


"Well, sure. You're God. And that's fine in your own domain. But down here I'm an important man and....."


"But, but, you don't understand! I was Baptized. I belonged to the right church. I'm an important self-made man. I don't believe in the Bible or You, so therefore I can"t be held responsible, and.....!"


"Here I am, Lord, ready and waiting as your obedient servant, as I have always been, as I'm sure you know."


"Why, Lord, you're the greatest! The coolest! You are the Father of Love, the Creator of everything bad and beautiful. Why you're the One every religion of the world prays to. You're the....."


"Your name? Man, You go by many names. You're the Buddha, the Surya, the Brahma, the Shang-ti, the....."



"But, but, I don't get it. I was told that all roads lead to you. That there was no right or wrong. I was sincere, and I worked hard to bring your children into the light. I can't help it if I was lied to! It's not my fault! It's your fault for not making it clear to me......"







It is truly heart-rendering to realize that in this world there are so many people lost and without the Lord; to know and understand the end result of each and every person's decision to follow their own self-will, rather than heed the Lord's call and turn their life over to Him.

It would be difficult enough to just stand back and do nothing while the wicked evil-doers of the world continue on their fast road to Hell. But when we consider that it is not only the wicked who will perish, but the nice, the kind, the beautiful people of the world as well.... It is our co-workers, our fellow church members, our club members, our friends, our family. It is all those who decide against, or delay in making a decision to turn their life over to their Maker, which is our reasonable duty.

Why were we born? What is each and every person's purpose for being placed on this earth? Is it not to gain wealth for ourselves? To lord it over others in selfish pursuit of pleasure and ego boosting? To fulfill our own selfish desires as society and the media says it is?

Not according to the Bible, the very Word of God.

We, that is mankind, are not here for our purpose as we suppose, no more than is a figurine crafted for the sake of the piece of clay of which it is made. And as the figurine is intended for the sake of the artist alone, so are we created for the sake of Him who created us. And as the sculptor has total discretion over the clay; to accept, reject, or destroy it; so does God as our Creator have total discretion over us.

We are merely pots, earthen vessels in which the potter, that is God, desires to place His seed of Life, the Holy Spirit, in order to raise up creatures in His own image, of which Jesus is the First-Fruits. That First-Fruit, the One and only to mature to perfection, had to die in order for others (that is us) to receive the seed of His perfect life with which to mature in His image.

Jesus and God the Father have accomplished their part; and now it is up to each and every one of us to decided to do our part.

God, as our Creator, has given His vessels an amazing privilege, and that is to not only accept or reject what He has intended for us, but to be given Eternal Life in the very form that He is Himself.

This is an awesome thing for us to comprehend, but thankfully we don't have to understand it - just accept it as fact; and accept His offer.

Have you ever read the story of Pinocchio? Consider it in the light of God's offer and purpose for us.

In this day and age we have lost the concept of "Slave" and "Master," much to our downfall. We have even ventured so far from that concept as to demand our "rights," even from God, our Creator in who's eye we are barely a speck of dust, if that; and live but a blink of God's eye.

Yet we demand of God, deny Him, even His existence, and have placed ourself in His stead as gods of not only our own lives, but the world.

David, who God said is a "Man after my own heart" said this of God: "What is man, that thou art mindful of him?"

We should be awestruck and amazed that God is able to create such creatures as a cockroach, leastwise a man or woman. We should be in terror of His magnificence and power; and fall down at his feet in absolute submission because of the Love and Grace He has provided for us.

But have we done this? No, but we will, every one of us!

It's an amazing fact of human nature that we have the ability to become blinder to reality the longer we are away from it. One example of this is a child who considers himself as invincible and immortal - until he gets a scratch on his finger.

We, especially this nation, are like that child - we do not consider God because we do not see Him, nor feel the need for Him at present. But during times of trouble?

During WWII we heard a great deal about the absolute need for prayer. We knew that to win the war, we needed God on our side. But since the war is over? God has been set aside, denied, and even barred from our schools and courthouses.

Has this changed at any time?

Oh yes. Absolutely!

Do you recall 911? What did you hear from every official? From the TV? PRAY, PRAY, PRAY FOR THIS NATION!!!

Of course it only lasted a very short time, until we felt in control again, then it was back to: "out with God."

And according to the book of Revelations, during the Tribulation we will have become so hardened that we will not only refuse to call on God during times of our hardest troubles, but become angry at him and fight against Him when He comes to save the world!

Is it any wonder the Lord is going to be unyielding at the time of Judgement?

On the contrary; I am amazed that He has chosen to accept even a few of us to spend even a short time with, leastwise an Eternity.

How many people do you know with whom you would like to spend even a thousand years?

In the above story we witnessed examples of what happens when the Seed of Life (the Call) is cast upon the field, that is this Earth, and does not find fertile ground.

Helpless Hanna, a fine, decent young woman, attractive and appealing. Certainly, in our eyes, a good candidate for being accepted into the Garden of Life. One with which our Lord would wish to fellowship as much as we would ourselves.

But the Lord does not judge as we judge. He sees the heart. He sees things from an Eternal perspective, that we are but an infinitesimal beginning of a great work in progress. We see things from our own, human perspective, that is, upside-down, and refuse to see it any other way. To us it is: Ourselves - Our Family - Our Possessions - Our Reputation - and finally, maybe Our Maker, which is God.

God tells us to see only Him, and to put everything else aside, as if it were nothing more than dirt - which is what it is, ourselves included; unless we accept the Seed of the Holy Spirit; and then we only have value as we allow that Seed within us grow. That Seed within us has the value - not the unfinished pot (us) that It is planted in.

It is the flower in the pot we cherish, not the pot itself. An old plastic cup will serve if it is filled with fertile soil. But a beautiful vase with a small crack in it is useless, especially if it is filled with gravel.

Helpless Hanna, with all her potential, had been led astray by the very one she placed her trust in, the one who she believed would lead her into the Garden.

Jesus said to follow Him, that He is the door; not to follow others. He said that we are to listen for His voice, which is a whisper, and to question all the yelling voices in the world. We learn to hear His voice, and to recognize the voice of the True Shepherd moment by moment through prayer, and through constant communication with Him, having our thoughts and our mind in the Heavenlies.

However we, being human, follow the advice of men, and only pray occasionally, and then ritualistically, and our only heart-felt prayers are when we want or need something for our self.

How would you feel if your child only spoke to you when he wanted something, otherwise he ignored, avoided, and disobeyed you. Would you chose him to spend Eternity with?

Helpless Hanna was a defective vessel, unable to receive, leastwise retain, the Water of Life that flows from the Throne of God. She was brought to the Door of the sheepfold, then held there by the one she chose to listen to, the Pastor, rather than search the Word for herself, and seek the True Shepherd. She, along with multitudes of faithful church-goers, are led astray by the very ones they believe are God's Lights to the world. They are just as assuredly, but not as obviously, lost as those 900 who followed Jim Jones into the wilderness, or the Jews who listened to their religious leaders and cried out for the blood of their Messiah.

Reckless Rick, a likeable, energetic, dedicated young man, full of vigor and integrity; surely he would be a grand addition to the Garden of our Lord. What church or organization wouldn't be delighted to have such a one working on their behalf?

However, as any mother or teacher can attest, a happy, energetic child, with all his charm, is a destructive force if he will not listen for and obey instructions from the one in charge.

Reckless Rick, with all his potential, is a wandering lamb after which the Shepherd must continually chase after and return to the sheepfold, only to have the lamb refuse to enter in.

Sheep love to flock, stay together, which makes easy work for the Shepherd. The church is like a flock of sheep. They huddle around one another, often oblivious to the Shepherd, unless they are in need or sense danger.

But what a joy it must be for the Shepherd when one of the flock loves nothing more than to stay right with Him, cuddle up next to Him, and hang on every Word he speaks; A lamb who waits patiently, with anticipation, for any command from his Shepherd, and executes that command immediately and without question, without regard for himself or his own interests.

What a Church of such people would be? What a Family? What an Army?

Of course, such a sheep is not in the crowd of people standing before the Throne; no, they are standing behind the Throne dressed in a robe of pure white.

Doubting Thomas, a fine, upstanding man, with many years experience which his grey hair and abundant wrinkles will attest, is highly successful by any man's standards. Wealthy, highly educated, warmly respected by all, and successful in all his ventures; He stands head and shoulders above the crowd.

Except one. And that one exception has brought him before the Throne standing beside all those he strove so hard to rise above and to have look up to him.

Now he sees that the One from whom he should have been seeking approval, is looking down on him.

And add to this tragedy the fact that his entire life, as long as it may have been, was filled with sorrow and loneliness, not the joy he believed his pursuits would bring to him.

Unlike the sheep who flocked together for warmth and companionship, or the sheep who ran off in their own escapes; Doubting Thomas would follow no one, nor seek any pleasure that did not produce a profit for himself.

Doubting Thomas believed in no one, nor any thing but what he could hold in his hand. And his goal in this life was to stand on a pedestal of his own making, higher than anyone else; which he accomplished.

Such dedication to a single purpose; such skill and daring; such self-sacrifice, though misdirected, would surely have been needful and welcome in the Army of God. But, alas, one who will not humble himself in order to learn to obey will make for a poor leader. A General in the Army must begin by first learning to take and follow commands before he can give them. And then he is only of value if his direction is for the good of others, not to fulfill his own selfish desires.

And his one foothold on reality, his hope and trust for his eternal soul, turned out to be a slippery quagmire; a foundation of images having no more substance than the life he had built for himself.

Pastor Joe: now here, surely is a man destined for greatness in the eyes of our Lord. He has dedicated his life to the sheep, and to the study of the Lord's Word. He has worked hard to bring lost lambs into his fold, and to feed them and keep them warm and comfortable.

Isn't this exactly what the Bible says a Pastor is to do? Most assuredly this Pastor does not belong here amongst those who have refused the Lord's call, were misguided, or were outright rebellious to Him.

Pastor Joe has had a great deal of study in the Word and has read the Bible earnestly, pouring over every word, over a hundred times. But like the Pharisees and the Scribes of Jesus' day, they did not study the Word for what God had to tell them, but to reinforce what they already believed and had been instructed by others to believe the Word said.

Jesus told His Disciples that He would send a Comforter who would instruct them in the Word, and to explain what the Word has to tell them. That does not mean that any of the Words would be changed or added or subtracted, but that the Word would be explained and become a part of their life.

Jesus said the Bible is written in mysteries and in parables in order that the carnal mind and unbelievers can not understand them. That means we can only understand what the bible means (not just memorize what it says) if we have Godly instruction.

Yet we humans, having no better sense, listen to what other carnal minds, often highly educated unbelievers, tell us the Bible says. In many, if not most cases we would be much better off prayerfully reading the Bible on our own to find out what God wants us to know than to listen to what others have to tell us.

Which brings us back to Pastor Joe.

We have seen how Pastor Joe, with all his good intentions, has led at least one of his flock down the broad path of destruction, which is the very same road he had blindly chosen for himself.
And how can anyone instruct us how to go where they have not gone themself?

Pastor Joe did what many other, even notable Bible experts have done and are doing; they preach their own beliefs, and not the commands of God. (Remember that the Rulers who sent Jesus to the cross were the very "best" and respected and powerful men of their day; men that God had placed in authority and presumably spoke the very words of God.)

Many churches place much importance on what their members do, that is their works. It's "do this and do that" and you will get to Heaven. This is what the Jewish Rulers taught. And it sounds right on the surface, does it not? It appeals to our pride knowing that we have worked our own way into favor with God which others have not. This was one big stumbling stone for the religious leaders of Jesus' day. They rejected the idea vehemently that the riffraff on the streets could attain the same thing they could with all their piety and works.

Other churches take the opposite extreme, many in order to keep from being "works" oriented, teaching what is called "Grace Alone," that is, all you have to do is confess Jesus and you will go to Heaven. And there is definite truth in this. We are saved by Grace alone, meaning that Salvation is a gift from God, through accepting the death of Jesus Christ for our sins, and that there is nothing we can do, nor have done, to be worthy of it.

But as in anything, absolutes and opposites are rarely if ever where truth lies. Sometimes truth is somewhere in the middle, but much more often it incorporates the middle and both extremes.

Consider two groups of people, the one groups says "no" merely because the other group says "yes." Consider the Lilliputians and the egg, and very likely people in your own acquaintance, in your church, in your family. And if you are in neither group, you are the only one who is likely to be able to see the truth of the matter.

Works will not get you to Heaven, nor will they bring you contentment, nor favor with God. The Jews evidenced that, as there is no one who had more works than they.

But neither will the lack of works get you to Heaven or in favor with God.

Again, consider your own family, of which God calls His own, and which He refers to often in the Bible as examples of how He wants us to respond.

If you had a child who did everything he could think of to keep you thinking well of him, and in order to make sure you gave him what he wanted; but was always unhappy, feared your disapproval, and did not respond to you with warmth and love - would you be happy with that child?

Then you have another child. This child is just the opposite of the first. He thinks because he has been birthed by you, lives under your roof, and has accepted your food and clothing, that he has fulfilled all he has to in order to get the fullest of what you have to offer. He firmly believes that you now owe him, and that you have promised to provide him with whatever he desires. What would you say to this child. (I am not just making this up. There are actually churches who teach this very same thing.)

Now we have one other child. This child is usually happy, especially when she is around you. When you come home she is always excited and runs up to you, throws her arms around you and is thrilled to be with you. When you leave for work, it saddens her greatly, but she does not cry or object because she believes that you will come home as soon as you can, and will be carrying her with you in your heart while the two of you are separated.

When you come home she has done all she knew to do (works) and asks if there is anything more you would like for her to do. And if there is none, she accepts that patiently.

Should there be some reason that you have to reprimand or punish her, she is sad that she has made you angry or unhappy, but understands that you are punishing her out of love for her, and that it is for her own good, and so she never tries to hide anything she has done wrong, but confesses it willingly and immediately.

This child, unlike the others, fears you - not for fear of losing your love or approval as does the "works" child, but rather she fears doing something that might make you sad or unhappy because she enjoys making you happy, in spite of the fact that she might have to give up her own happiness for yours.

When you bring her a gift, no matter how small, she is not only thankful, but she treasures it and takes very good care of it. Then if you should tell her she must give the gift, or something else that she treasures away, she does it without complaining, but rather is grateful for the time she was able to have it and make use of it.

Which of these three children would you wish to spend Eternity with? Which will you be glad for them to leave home?

God has made us in His own image. Because of this, if we are of a reasonably healthy mind and spirit, we are able to understand what He wants, feels and expects; because He has imparted those same attributes in His creation.

For us to think that God is some sort of Santa Clause that needs us to ask for whatever we desire and He will jump at the chance to satisfy us; or that he desperately needs our attention and companionship, is foolishness. Consider the Jews which he often destroyed who were obeying Him much more than we are today.

Consider the fact that all Adam and Eve did was eat an apple, which caused the wrath of God to begin with.

It is not what we do that brings the wrath of God upon us; In God's eyes a small lie is just as bad as murder.

Adam and Eve were not punished and sentenced to death because they ate an apple. Nor are we justified because we don't eat an apple.

We all, as was Adam and Eve, are condemned because of disobedience.

Is that so different from we humans that we cannot understand it? If we have a child who, when told to take out the trash, does not do so, but rather paints the garage; who washes the car instead of the dishes as instructed - don't we punish him for disobedience?

And this is a good child trying to please by doing more than he is told to do. What of a child who continually does what he is told not to do?

God wants obedience, and Love above all. The same as we all do. And the way we show our Love is through obedience; for without obedience, there is no Love.

God is not one sided on this. He has said, amazingly enough, that if we Love and obey Him, He will Love and obey us!!

Does this not sound like a marriage, that is, how God instructs a wedded couple to respond to one another?

But notice the conditions, and the order;

God first Loved us. He proved this by creating us, then while we were rebellious and incapable of Loving or obeying Him, He gave His only begotten Son to die for us.

Then He invites us, still rebellious sinners, to believe on the Son, and provides those who responds with the element that we as carnal mankind is missing: that is the Holy Spirit, who instructs us how to understand God - AND, He provides us with the capacity of Love that we humans are missing!!

The Bible says that without Love, all our good works are in vain. That is because we, on the carnal level are incapable of Love. We can have the feeling of love. We can have the actions of love - but only God can truly Love.

So that means if we truly Love, we have the Spirit of Love within us; that is the Holy Spirit.

But how can we know that we have that Spirit of Love, instead of believing that our own works are that Godly Love?

That is a dilemma. If we are doing what is required of us, why then should we believe that we are missing out on something that we haven't experienced?

God has provided an answer, albeit one that we can not understand until we have received the Holy Spirit to reveal it - which by then we will already understand it, because we will have that Love.

Confused? Chances are that you are - unless you have the Holy Spirit, and then you very likely don't need it explained. But if you don't have the Holy Spirit; no amount of explaining will help.

First you have a Call. That is, something inside of you is telling you that things are not right in your life. Usually this happens when things are at their worst. You cry out to God for help. Perhaps, and very likely, you go through the ritual of "Being Saved" according to whatever church you seek out.

Now that you are "Saved," you have three choices. The first is the one that is very often followed; that is you are no longer in the fear that brought you to your knees in the first place, therefore you take back the reigns of your life. At this point you may do one of two things. You may return to your old life, which is very often done, until the next time you feel desperate. This is what is called in the Army a "Foxhole conversion," made under fire until the danger has passed. You may have recognized this in the life of Doubting Thomas.

In the parable of the Sower and the Seeds, you will have been the one who's Seed fell upon a rock.

The second thing you may do after such a conversion is become a church member. Here you may be an occasional church attender, or you may be like Helpless Hanna and be the most faithful and active member the church has. But of course what you will then have become is a faithful servant to the church, not to God. This is exemplified in Pastor Joe (and in the Pharisees). He had the appearance of being an exceptional Christian, but his roots were shallow. And who was more surprised to find this out than Pastor Joe himself?

This group has learned to "play church," that is, instead of sacrificing themselves and searching their hearts in order to obtain the perfection which Jesus commands us to do, they settle for what is called "churchianity."

In the parable of the Sower and the Seeds, your Seed will have fallen amongst the thorns and thistles. But your thistles, as with Pastor Joe and Hanna's, are hard to recognize, because they are not out "in the world" as they are with many who become swallowed up in family problems, jobs, friends and such, which cause them to leave the church altogether. No, these thorns and thistles do not press you out of the church; instead they tie you down in the church, where you feel contented to remain on the very stoop of the stairs which leads to our Lord.

Your third choice is much like that above, and can easily be mistaken for it; that is, you throw yourself into the life of the church, dedicating yourself to its purposes, ready to fulfill all that is required of you both by the church Elders as well as what the Bible says that you should do.

You read the Bible faithfully and you pray often; you even have your name placed on the Prayer Chain.

You help the Pastor and volunteer in your community.

And if someone brings a need to you, you do all you can to help.

You are on the right track, and doing many Good Works. In the eyes of all you are an excellent Christian. Not a thing can be said against you, and in your own mind you are fulfilling God's will for you.

And this is a danger point at which many sincere Christians stumble. It is easy to satisfy yourself that you are doing what God wants you to do; and you will be fully supported by all, even the Bible. But keep in mind that the Bible gives many instructions for each step toward God's goal for you. If you only read, or pay attention to those verses regarding the step you are on, you will believe that you have "arrived."

Always keep in mind that "arriving" means reaching God's goal for you, which is no less than what Jesus has become. If you have fallen short of that perfection by two inches, you have not "arrived," but are still growing; which is what God is requiring of you. He does not expect you to attain perfection, for He knows that is impossible. What He does expect is for each and every one of us to search diligently for Him, listen intently for His whispered commands, and to obey.

Many, Many Christians are in this category, that is, they believe that because they are now on the first step, there is nothing more required of them. Such was Helpless Hanna.

And such, very likely, was Pastor Joe.

If the last two choices above appear to be the same, that is because they are. The difference is in the heart. Whereas the first example is just in appearances, that is, there are no roots growing toward the heart of the convert, those in the second group are striving day by day, moment by moment to grow closer to the Lord (climb the stairs, you might say, rather than settling comfortably on the stoop).

People who are unaware of this growth process, or who wish to deny its existence will say: "So, what could possibly be wrong with being a good church Christian? Surely nothing can be added to this! I'll get my mansion in Glory, and that's all I want anyway" And it is just that belief which stops many "good Christians" from becoming what the Lord intends for them to be. They do not seek the Lord, but rather (just as Helpless Hanna), they listen to what their Pastor tells them to do, and they do it -- religiously.

And where did Pastor Joe get his knowledge of the Word of God? He listened to his instructors and did just what he was instructed to do.

Which is just what the Pharisees did.

Have you ever considered it strange that when a person changes denominations, they also change their beliefs to fit that denomination - even if those beliefs are diametrically opposed to what they believed before? Have you ever wondered why their beliefs didn't become a blend of the two?

Have you ever wondered why a preacher who begins preaching in a new denomination will be just as fervent in his new belief as he was in his former?

Consider the Civil War, how a loving family can suddenly turn on one another and kill each other without guilt, just because they have a different opinion.

Consider how an entire country like Germany could turn on one nationality of people so wickedly and without guilt.

Or how an "Innocent" nation like ours could invade an ancient peoples and set out to utterly destroy the Natives just so they could possess their land.

Consider the Martyrs of the Church, past and present.

Then consider the ideas planted in our children by TV, Video games, Commercials, Peers, and Schools.

We have to look beyond what we think is right; beyond what we are taught is right; even beyond what we are taught that the Bible says is right. Each church has its own set of rights and wrongs, and all a person has to do to find one they like is to change churches.

And if you can't find one that agrees with you, then you can start your own!

Few were more religious "Christians" than Al Capone or the KKK.

This is where Pastor Joe and Helpless Hanna failed. They looked on a horizontal plane for guidance and example, and not to the One who is Righteousness and Salvation.

Pastors should be instructing their congregation to look to the Lord who is, or should be, within each and every one of them for their instruction and guidance. And those in their congregation who are uncertain that they have received the Holy Ghost should be instructed and matured in such matters. Instead many seek to be the shepherd instead of the hireling who is to care for the True Shepherd's sheep, and have the sheep look to them for guidance, either because they don't trust the sheep to be truly converted, or because they have not been converted themselves.

Thus we have the blind leading the blind; wherein Jesus said, they will both fall into a ditch.
A healthy Church has the Lord as its Shepherd.

A carnal church has a man as its Pastor.

If the Holy Spirit is in you, you will know it because you will begin doing things you would not ordinarily do. You will have thoughts you would not normally have. You will know that He has taken root in your heart and has not hit stone.

And you will find within yourself a desire to learn God's will for you.

You will find yourself noticing things about yourself that you have always accepted as OK, maybe even as good; that you now feel a need to be rid of. These you will offer up to the Lord, Who will then "prune" them from your life.

Is that painful? Sometimes. But it is like an operation - you dread it, and it hurts; but what a joy to be rid of the pain and fear that the illness had been causing you!

You will find within you an awareness that you are incapable of Love. And though you had always thought of yourself as a loving person, you will have begun to doubt it, and pray to have God's Love planted in your heart.

You then will find yourself experiencing Love. Not the love you had before for your family and friends. Not even the love and compassion you felt for hurting children, or the elderly, or the poor.

The Love you will feel will be for those you might even dislike; that is, those who you normally can't even stand, or would hate; even your enemies.

You will discover a strong compassion for the lost who we have just pictured standing before the Throne of Judgement. You will have a strong desire to help them, to save them, to even sacrifice your own self-image and reputation for them. You may well find yourself even willing to sacrifice the approval of your family, even your life for them as did Jesus, and the Apostles, and the early Christians.

Those vessels without God's Love will be standing before the Judgement Throne.

While those vessels with His Love will be standing behind the Throne wearing a robe of pure white.

Sacrificing oneself and one's life for Christ is not just being willing to die for Jesus' Name, as we suppose, but for His Body as well; and that being His Church, His people, those who serve Him as you do!

You will find that there is a difference between being a member of a church, and being a part of the Church, that is, the Body of Christ.

You will discover that Evangelizing is not bringing people to the door of a building, and getting them to sign a piece of paper; but to lift those who think they are Christians up to the Lord so they, too, will become a part of the Body of Christ.

You will no longer be happy around carnal things. Things of the flesh like TV, movies, and even pleasant worldly music will cause you to feel uncomfortable. The news will sicken and distress you, as it should everyone anyway. And we all know this, even admit it on occasion.

You will find that your thoughts and desires are only for the Lord; that those times you have to pull away from the work of the Lord in order to perform daily chores are a distress to you, like the little girl who's father must go to work.

You will no longer feel comfortable with negative thoughts, and become super-aware of such, realizing that God is not only watching you, but in you as well, and having to experience Himself everything you say, think, feel, see or hear.

Sound frightening? To the carnal mind it does. But once the Holy Spirit is in you, it will feel more natural than anything else you have ever done.

Have you ever done or eaten something that you always considered repulsive; only to find that it is now more enjoyable than anything else?

Be prepared to find yourself becoming distanced from your church congregation, and very possibly even scorned. Not because you will be pulling away from them, because there is nowhere to go since most all churches are the same in that they cater to the neophyte and the carnal rather than those who are truly growing in the Lord. No, they will pull away from you believing that you are either strange, crazy, or a religious fanatic. (Which you will be, and which they should become and claim to be.)

For examples of this, check out Nicodemus, the Apostles, and Paul. And what better demonstration of this than our Lord Himself?

Does this all sound like fiction? Or at best something out of the life history of the Sainted Martyrs of old? It probably does, but it shouldn't. This was common knowledge and the experiences of just about all of the first Christians. Somehow we have lost sight of what God has provided for His own, and has promised to those who diligently seek Him.

But few diligently seek Him these days of the apostate church, which Jesus clearly prophesied would come in these last days. And for those who teach that He meant the Catholic church, consider that it has been around almost from the beginning and has essentially refuses to change in these last days. No, it's the Protestant churches and those closely akin to them called cults which are sliding backwards into unbelief and distortion.

Consider those churches that have incorporated worldly entertainment into their programs, accept unrepentant perverted men into their ministry, and distort and fragmentize the Bible.

It is not what any church or preacher teaches that will save us, but the Word of God which is in each of His own who have truly received Him, in any denomination, in any nation, and in any culture. Jesus said, and the Apostles affirmed and demonstrated as did many other Martyrs, that the world will persecute the True Believer, and accept those who are worldly.

Therefore, if you are not being persecuted, you might just review your conversion to see if you are either not really saved, saved but fearful of what others might say (which is very possibly not saved), or belonging to a cult or group that takes pride in being persecuted, but are not serving the Lord.

Adam and Eve were given just one commandment - don't eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge. So there was only one sin possible for them to commit - which they committed.

Consider this: if God had not told them not to eat the fruit, they could not have sinned having done so.

Their sin was not eating of the fruit. No, their sin was disobeying God.

Sin means to "miss the mark," or to have a fault, to trespass. - in other words, by God's standards, to be less than perfect as He is perfect.

And their error was the same as the errors of those interviewed before the Throne; they listened to someone else other than God. Eve listened to the serpent, and Adam listened to Eve.

And God had only one desire for Adam and Eve, which is the very same one He has for us today and into Eternity; to Love Him as He Loves us!

And God has one purpose for us, which is what He wanted to do when He searched for Adam and Eve in His garden; and that is to walk and fellowship with us!

Before the flood, as far as we know, there were no laws for the people to follow, (they couldn't get at the Tree of Knowledge). But the Bible does not say that these people merely sinned (as described above), these people were wicked! Continually and completely. Nor did they seek after the God who made them, which means they did not Love Him or desire His fellowship (for which we were created in the first place).

There was only one who "walked with God," as did Adam and Eve in the Garden, and that was Enoch, who sought fellowship with God.

Sounds a lot like the world today, doesn't it?

What about Noah and his family? Noah's family may have been sinful for all we know, they were just along to help, since they believed Noah. (Noah preached to the others about the coming destruction, but none would listen.) Did Noah walk with God as did Enoch? The Bible doesn't say so, but rather he found "Grace" with the Lord, just as we have, if we "get on the ark" of Salvation, which is the Cross.

The Jews were given Ten Commandments, which we still consider the Will of God for His people to this day. They were also given many other ordinances which were not intended for anyone but the Jews, for which they were made promises, if they kept those ordinances, which they did, off and on for a time. (How many of us are on and off Christians even today?) The rest of the world was (and is) still under the condemnation of Adam's sin, which is death, unless we find Grace as did Noah.

And Grace is found in only one place, that is at the foot of the Cross, where we must not stand, and not kneel, but lay prostrate in total submission.

Is Grace free? Absolutely.

Was Noah's Grace free? Absolutely. Did Noah have to work for his Grace? Absolutely not. There was nothing he could do in order to merit the Grace he was given.

Did Noah have to work because of that grace in order to receive Salvation? Absolutely.

For 120 years he worked, both building the ark, and preaching, trying to save the lost, sinful souls that filled the earth, having nothing to keep him going but the Word of the Lord, and faith in that Word.

Had he stopped working, or having the faith to continue the work before 110 years, it is very likely that we would not be here to consider the consequences.

Grace is what Saves us.

Believing in that Grace gives us the Salvation that Saves us.

Faith in God, and in His Word brings us to the Cross to receive that Grace.

Working out our Salvation, and preaching God's Word (evangelizing) to a lost world, is the evidence of our salvation; as was the finished ark to Noah.

Love for His creation is the reason God provided His Saving Grace.

Our Love for God is what causes us to seek God and to Please Him - in spite of the Salvation He has given us.

Enoch walked with God in a time when it was extremely unpopular to do so, because he wanted to, and apparently because he loved God. He did not walk with God in order to avoid death, because he didn't know that would happen. He walked with God in spite of any reward he might or might not have received.

The Apostles and the early Christians did not follow Jesus for reward. Quite the contrary, they followed Jesus in spite of the fact that they knew all they would receive is beatings, assaults and death. They gave up all to serve the Lord - not for gain; not even for eternal gain, but out of Love for the Lord.

I firmly believe that they would have done exactly what they did, as well as many of the other martyrs of the past, even if they were told for certain that there was no reward at all waiting for them but hell.

That is love. It's the love the little girl has for her father. It's the love that causes a mother to run into a burning building to save her child. It's the Love beyond understanding; that must be experienced, but cannot be explained.

It is the Love that God has for us, His children;

It is the Love that God expects from His children.

No less, and no more.

And how is that Love demonstrated?

Exactly the same way it was in the beginning with Adam and Eve. The same way Jesus demonstrated it, both toward His Heavenly Father, and toward us. And exactly the same way Noah, Abraham and the Apostles demonstrated their Love.

And exactly the same way we expect our child to demonstrate their Love for us as a parent.



[If this study has struck a chord in your heart.

If you realize that you have not been diligently seeking our Lord.

I would strongly suggest that you pray for the infilling of the Holy Spirit,
and express a heart-felt desire to be led solely by Him alone.

Know that you are not alone,

And be prepared to experience that Joy Beyond Understanding.]

For further study on this subject, see: FOLLOWING THE SPIRIT and VESSELS OF THE LORD.


Backwards Theology

11Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand: they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter. (Isa 56:)

Man tries to understand God. But not really.

Man has two basic reasons to try and understand God. The first reason is that he wants to find out what it takes to get all he can out of God without having to do what God demands.

The second reason is similar to the first; he wants to learn all he can in order to impress his friends and associates with the great knowledge (usually mystical) he has acquired.

Very few people want to learn about God for the only acceptable reason in God's eyes, that is to learn what He wants us to do and how to accomplish it.

So, since we are looking for understanding of God through our own eyes, we do not see God, but only ourselves.

In order to see God, we have to turn three principle theologies upside-down. These three doctrines not only keep us from seeing God, but they have become a fundamental part of the established churches who supposedly "know" God and are following Him.

If you are rather shocked by the naming of these three, hold on; it gets worse.


"I want children so I can spoil them rotten and do everything I can for them, love them, nurse then, bail their sorry butts out of jail. Just be there for all their selfish, ungrateful demands they choose to demand of me."

Is that how you see yourself as a parent? Is that how you see God and His desire for His children? If it is, you are right in line with most of the Protestant churches, and even the Catholic as well, though not so blatantly.

I would assume you have children with the hope and desire to do all you can for them, and to make them just as happy and successful as you are able. Of course some people have children by mistake, or out of habit. But these people are not reading this piece.

God also wants the very best for His children. He wants what is ultimately best for them, not just what seems best to them during their formative years. During the children of God's formative years (our earthly adventure) we experience chastisement, direction, instruction and guidance. We are trained and conditioned similar to the way children used to be educated in school; that is physically (P.E.), culturally (life skills), and spiritually (morality lessons and even prayer). Of course younger people most likely have no idea what I am talking about since these no longer (essentially) exist in the schools during this age of "enlightenment."

God wants His children to be obedient and thankful. Not only thankful with lip service, but from the heart. He also wants His children to be giving and appreciative. And part of that appreciation is the willingness to share with others our good fortune, especially with those less fortunate, just as you, a parent, are happy to give to your children their needs and desires.

God wants His children to be successful. Success to God is not measured by how many degrees His children earn, or how many merit badges they acquire, or how far up the corporate ladder they climb. Success in God's eyes is seen as the amount of attention His children give to His will for them (commandments), and how well they obey, and how happy they are to be with Him and to make Him pleased with them. Is this any different than what you would desire from your own children?

And finally, God wants His children to love Him from their heart. This love is displayed by wanting to be with Him all the time (and yes, through the Holly Spirit this can actually happen!), and along with this, to have a strong desire to do all they can to make their brothers and sisters happy and safe, even if sacrifice (like Jesus, even to death) is required.

If you had children like the ones described above, would you feel like a successful parent? Would you be glad you chose to keep them rather than abort them as did God who aborted His children with the flood, and will again with the tribulation that is to come?

From the child's perspective, that is a child who is spoiled and unlike the blessed children described above, the parent should give him all he demand whether he deserve it or not. And this attitude is fully supported by society at large. But would you, as a parent, willingly approve and support such an attitude?

Yet that is exactly what we expect of God.

Man was created from the earth. That is, we are nothing but a walking ball of clay that will one day return to earth. We think we are spiritual beings, and therefore eternal and special, especially Christians. But we are not spiritual beings until we have received the Holy Spirit which completes us, or at least is the beginning of that completeness (foretaste, seal). Those without the Holy Spirit are still chunks of dirt, no matter how many people look up to them, or how highly they look upon themselves. And dirt, no matter how many times you wash it, is still just dirt.

And dirt looks to itself, and not to God. Dirt serves itself, and does not serve God.
Spirit on the other hand is not dirt, but rather just uses the dirt vessel to move from one place to another. Spirit does not serve itself. Spirit does not even look to itself or point to itself. Spirit points to Jesus, and serves Jesus, and is dedicated to following the directions of the Lord. Spirit is driven toward helping others find Jesus, and thereby receiving the Holy Spirit.

Dirt Man sees himself as the center of the universe and expects God to be at his disposal, doing whatever he wants Him to do. To Man, "love," therefore God, means "Do for me."

God's love is just the opposite of Man's conception. God tells us that love means doing for God, and for others (Mat 22:37-39; John 14:15; 1John 4:20).

Upside-Down. The churches are pointing God toward Man for Man's sake; instead of pointing Man to God for God's sake.


God has two hands and two feet, a pot belly and a curved spine. God has to cut His hair and trim His nails and beard. God has to brush His teeth after eating that big steak dinner. Is that right? Is that the image you have of God? Is that why we have the features and the limitations we do, because God Himself has them?

Of course not.

God is Spirit. We have been told that many times in His Word (John 4:24; 1Cor 3:16; 2Cor 3:17).
Then if God doesn't have a body like we have, why does the Bible say we are created in God's image?

"Let us make man in our image." If I was to say; "Let us make clay into our image," wouldn't you assume that the clay already existed? You wouldn't assume I was going to make clay would you? By this the assumption would be that man already existed as one of the beasts of the field, as was Satan, and God chose that creature to make like Himself. Now if God had of said: "Let us make a creature and call it man, and make that man in our image," it would be clear that such a creature didn't exist. But that is not what God said.

I know, my reasoning sounds like grasping at straws as do so many of the cults and oddball doctrines. So forget I said it and let's press on.

It is pretty well established that the first two chapters of Geneses sounds like two separate creations. And there are many doctrines and beliefs based on just such a supposition. And in a sense, I agree. But it is not that there have been two creations, but rather there are two accounts of the same creation. The first account covers the creation from beginning to end, that is, to the end of the Millennium. The second account begins at the beginning of the creation process as it relates to man and gives a detailed account, day by day. Those who have studied news reporting understand this principal very well. The structure goes like this: first you tell them what you are going to tell them; then you tell them; then you tell them what you told them.

The first chapter of Genesis tells you what God's purpose for mankind is, that is, to be in the image of God Himself (which is Spirit) and to have dominion over the entire creation. It is obvious that man does not have dominion over the animals and the sea and everything else created. In fact man doesn't even have dominion over himself, leastwise anything else. And it is just as obvious that God hasn't rested. In fact God must be working harder now to keep man from blowing himself up, and using more effort than it took for Him to create all creation to begin with.

But there will be a day when God can rest. And we find that day, the seventh day called the Millennium, at the end of John's Revelation as well as in many of the O.T. prophets. At that time man will have dominion, just as there is One who had, and exemplified that dominion over sickness, death and nature 2,000 years ago; the one Jesus Christ.

And there will be others who will be in the same form as He is, but not everyone who ever lived as some say it will be, nor the sluggards as many say, nor the ones who say the right words and perform the right rituals as even more say. It will be those who have been indwelt by and led into the identity of Christ who will be the Overcomers. Jesus, the First fruit of such people, demonstrated what a "Man in God's image" is like. Jesus, the "Beginning of the creation of God" (Rev 3:14, 21; John 16:33).

Chapter one of Geneses takes us from the beginning of creation all the way into the eighth day of creation. Then at the very end of the Bible we are given a wrap up of all the important points God wants us to have learned in the thousand pages between the intro and the conclusion (Rev 22:6-21).

We are in the image of dirt. Jesus is in the image of God. And so will be those who have chosen to obey Jesus (who is our Commander), be in the image of God, when they come into the completeness and the fullness of Christ (Eph 4:13)

[ This is not to dispute that God created Man in His image in the beginning or that He rested on the seventh day. My effort is not to detract from God's Word, but to expound on it. Like most (if not all) of the O.T., the Creation story has a past, future and present application. My purpose here is to broaden our view of the story and show that it has a strong meaning to us in this day and age beyond its informational value.]


Satan is by no means at war with God. Satan was created for one purpose, and that is to be a purifying fire for those who follow God and seek afer Him. This is exemplified not only by Job, but by Jesus (His temptation in the wilderness), by Paul (Arabia Gal 1:17-18), and by the blasphemer who was put out of the church so Satan could do his purifying work on him (1Cor 5:5; 15:50; 1Tim 1:20; Mark 1:13; Mat 4:1; Luke 4:1-2: John 17:1-3; Mark 14:38; John 6:51 ).

If there was any chance at all that Satan had any power against God, do you think God wouldn't have grabbed him when Satan stood before Him asking for Job? Would God be telling us thousands of years in advance that He is going to throw Satan into a pit, then release him again. Do you think Paul would have advised the Corinthian church to put sinning Christians out thereby turning them over to the power of Satan?

Man is already destined for the pit. Satan doesn't have to do a thing to get us there. Satan's job is not to pull those who are already at the bottom even lower. Satan's job is to keep those who are reaching ever higher toward God from reaching Him. And the purpose of keeping them from reaching God is not to hinder them as it seems, but rather to strengthen their faith and resolve. Those who fail to reach God were not truly sincere to begin with ("Weak, cowardly, fearful, unbelieving," etc.) and/or hadn't counted the cost (Luke 12:46; Rev 21:8; Luke 14:28). It's much like pilling more and more rocks, little by little, into the backpack of a soldier who is learning to climb a wall. Or it's like a baseball player who picks up several bats at once, swinging them around in order that the single bat he uses feels much lighter and therefore he is able to swing much faster.

Also, like the woman in Luke 7; the more we work, the harder we try, the more we discover how wretchedly inadequate we truly are and how much in need of God's help and Grace we have become. Jesus said of the woman: "Those who are forgiven much, will love much" (paraphrased). And conversely, those who are forgiven little, love little. In other words, as I see it, if we still have an ego, are full of our self (or have any "self" in us at all), we have not been low enough in our experience to learn of our need and are still self-reliant. We haven't been challenged beyond our own abilities, like a baby who finds trying to walk too much of an effort, so he decides that crawling through life is the proper way to travel.

God wants us to love; to love both Him and one another. Until we have been in the pits where others are, we can not appreciate them or their position. This is not just an intellectual affirmation God is making. He came down to the lowest of our level, that of a social outcast and criminal to learn what it's like, and to demonstrate how to accept that position.

When God says to be forgiving; to love the unlovable; to forsake our family (which does not mean to abandon them or ignore our responsibilities), to take up our cross and die for others, He is not telling us to do that which He is unwilling to do, or has not done to the full Himself.

If we love ourselves, we can neither love God nor our brothers and sisters.

Why do the churches continue to preach that Satan is so powerful and a dreadful opponent of God when there is so much overwhelming evidence that he is just a vicious dog on a short leash? For one thing such a belief gives all us miserable humans someone to blame when we fail to live up to those standards God has set for us, rather than feeling like we have to take the responsibilities for them ourselves.

There are many, many more backward and distorted theologies, all just as strongly embroidered into the doctrinal fabric of the churches as these. Most of these distorted views I have already covered in other sections, or in studies I have begun for a later time. In the interim these three will probably cause you to doubt my sanity and give you reason to feel that much more secure in believing as your church has instructed you to.


36Master, which is the great commandment in the law? 37Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38This is the first and great commandment. 39And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 40On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. (Mat 22:)

15If ye love me, keep my commandments. (John 14:)

17Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world. 18There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. 19We love him, because he first loved us. 20If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? 21And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also. (1John 4:)

23But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. 24God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. (John 4:)

18Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise. 19For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness. (1Cor 3:)

14But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same veil untaken away in the reading of the old testament; which veil is done away in Christ. 15But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the veil is upon their heart. 16Nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord, the veil shall be taken away. 17Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. 18But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. (2Cor 3:)

14And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; (Rev 3:)

21To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. 22He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. (Rev 3:)

33These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. (John 16:)

12For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: 13Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: 14That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; 15But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: 16From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love. (Eph 4:)

4In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when ye are gathered together, and my spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, 5To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. 6Your glorying is not good. Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump? (1Cor 5:)

19Holding faith, and a good conscience; which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck: 20Of whom is Hymenaeus and Alexander; whom I have delivered unto Satan, that they may learn not to blaspheme. (1Tim 1:)

9And it came to pass in those days, that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized of John in Jordan. 10And straightway coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon him: 11And there came a voice from heaven, saying, Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. 12And immediately the Spirit driveth him into the wilderness. 13And he was there in the wilderness forty days, tempted of Satan; and was with the wild beasts; and the angels ministered unto him. (Mark 1:)

1Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. (Mat 4:)

1And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, 2Being forty days tempted of the devil. And in those days he did eat nothing: and when they were ended, he afterward hungered. (Luke 4:)

1These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee: 2As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him. 3And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. (John 17:)

38Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation. The spirit truly is ready, but the flesh is weak. (Mark 14:)
48I am that bread of life. 49Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, and are dead. 50This is the bread which cometh down from heaven, that a man may eat thereof, and not die. 51I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world. (John 6:)

47The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven. 48As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly. 49And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly. 50Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption. (1Cor 15:)

46The lord of that servant will come in a day when he looketh not for him, and at an hour when he is not aware, and will cut him in sunder, and will appoint him his portion with the unbelievers. (Luke 12:)

7He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. 8But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. (Rev 21:)

26If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. 27And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple. 28For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it? (Luke 14:)

9All ye beasts of the field, come to devour, yea, all ye beasts in the forest. 10His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber. 11Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand: they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter. 12Come ye, say they, I will fetch wine, and we will fill ourselves with strong drink; and to morrow shall be as this day, and much more abundant. (Isa 56:)

9And he said, Go, and tell this people, Hear ye indeed, but understand not; and see ye indeed, but perceive not. 10Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and convert, and be healed. 11Then said I, Lord, how long? And he answered, Until the cities be wasted without inhabitant, and the houses without man, and the land be utterly desolate, 12And the LORD have removed men far away, and there be a great forsaking in the midst of the land. 13But yet in it shall be a tenth, and it shall return, and shall be eaten: as a teil tree, and as an oak, whose substance is in them, when they cast their leaves: so the holy seed shall be the substance thereof. (Isa 6:)